The Denmark Experience:

Simple, Proven and Achievable

What will your school look like when it re-opens in the coming weeks? This is one of the burning questions for parents, educators, principals, and the wider school community including children. To answer this question, we are delighted to offer you this series of videos entitled Back to School During Covid-19: The Denmark Experience delivered by Kevin Goggins from Skt. Josef's International School.  As you may know, Denmark was one of the first countries to go into lockdown and close their schools and they were also one of the first countries to re-open their schools a month later. The students at Skt. Josef's School are returning to school for the new term in the coming days with no restrictions imposed on them.  Recently Skt. Josef’s School has helped provide advice and information, based on their experiences, to a high school in Brazil, to a number of headteachers in the UK, and to thousands of teachers through the teacher resource website, Tes. The school has also been sharing information for news articles around the world via CBC, and the BBC. And do you know what the best news is? The advice and information provided are simple, proven and achievable. Want to know more? Start today by clicking the button below:

Watch Intro Video

Outline of Topics

    1. Welcome

    2. Introduction from Kevin Goggins - Skt. Josef's International School

    3. The Guidelines

    1. Promoting Positive Hygiene

    2. Surface Cleaning

    3. Taking Learning Outside

    4. Visual Nudges

    5. Staggering Times

    1. Planning for Change

    2. Communication

    3. Optimising Space

    4. Creating Pods

    5. The Importance of Modelling

    6. Special Educational Needs

    1. Children's Joy to be Back

    2. The Wellbeing of the Children

    3. A Whole-School Approach

    4. Student Voices

    1. Looking to the Future

    2. Final Thoughts

    3. Thank You

    4. Course Resources

    5. Feedback

About this course

  • £19.99
  • 23 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Kevin Goggins

Deputy Headteacher Skt. Josef's International School

Kevin is an experienced and transformational leader, who consistently works to support colleagues in raising standards and achieving objectives. He is highly accomplished in action research, mentoring, development and innovation.

Key Information:

  • Flexible, self-paced online course - complete in your own time

  • Video-based lessons with lots of opportunities to reflect and build on your learning

  • Lots of practical strategies and resources you can start to implement straight away

  • Short, bite-sized lesson to help you to take it all in

  • Team DESTY are here to support you all the way. Just get in touch if there is anything you need.

  • Immediate access following process of payment

  • Complete on PC, Laptop or mobile device (Tablet, Phone)