Mini Course: Friendship Skills
CourseThis lesson focuses on supporting children to raise their awareness of the qualities and attributes of a friend, and how these can be applied in their own lives. There are a number of practical worksheets included in the course.
Children and Grief (Certified)
CourseGrief can appear in many forms and for many reasons. This course explores situations that can trigger grief for a child including death, separation or other losses. It also provides practical guidance on how to support a child to cope with grief.
Mini Course: DESTY COVID Story and Workbook
CourseThis mini-course takes you through DESTY's Story where DESTY explores a range of feelings relating to COVID. The course includes the story as read by DESTY, an example of a child working on the book and downloads of the book and worksheets.
Mini-Course: Adapting DESTY to the Early Years
CourseThis mini-course features an interview with one of our 'Super DESTY Mentors' Angelina Mangan-McDonnell who works in Kiltiernan Montessori. In this course, Angelina share how she and her colleagues have adapted the DESTY Resources for the Early Years.
Using DESTY Island Emotional Resilience Programme Remotely
CourseThis course features an interview with one of our 'Super DESTY Mentors' Ellese who has been delivering the DESTY Island programme remotely to students from her base in Dubai since school closures as a result of COVID-19. Digital Workbook included.
Mini-Course: Teaching Honesty to Children
CourseThis course explores some of the reasons children may tell lies, it considers the benefits of playing a true and false game and will help you to support children to become more aware of when they are not being honest.